Newyork times / tribune is largely circulated in Pakistan in association with
daily Express in Pakistan, most recently Financial Times have also developed an arrangement of distributing its local version with the largest Newspaper publishing group of Pakistan, which is jang group of publication.
However, if we have to decide in our media plan about the selection of Urdu or English Newspapers , it is quite a task and depends on the target audience of media campaign. In general , the popular mass media in print media industry are Urdu Newspapers and among them the most popular one is Jang , specially for the purpose of classified and display advertising and they claim to have largest circulation .Even the English readers prefer to look for jang ,if they need to see some ads in any specific category .
However, it does not make jang an only popular Urdu language newspaper in Pakistan, daily Express, daily nawa e waqt , khabrian , pakistan and some other are important and these are considered as second tier newspapers in Pakistan.
The print media market in Pakistan is not squeezed as a whole , like it has happened across the globe because of extensive use of gadgets ,digital and social media , but it has effected the revenues of daily Newspapers ,either in English or Urdu. Interestingly many magazines and journals have been launched successfully and have got their share of readership in the last few years .Selected genres have got very strong position in the market and they are being distributed in very innovative manners in the metropolitan cities .
Some magazines about fashion are sold on traffic signals and their entire stock is disposed off ,within a day . Lately in Pakistan photo journalism is the new trend and it is very popular among the elite class , GT magazine is one of the example out of many available on stalls .The language in those magazine does not actually matters a lot but the most glamorous and glitzy pictures with high quality printing make them look very appealing to a passer by .Generally the language of such magazines is English but some are available in Urdu as well .
If we have to select Newspapers for advertising in Pakistan and our budget is limited. The first Newspaper that we can suggest would be Jang .It has five editions , published simultaneously from karachi , lahore, islamabad ,Quetta and Multan . Maqbool Mirza-about author